Support Fairtransport! The engine-less sailing fleet for transport of cargo

Fairtransport transports goods from one side of the Atlantic to the other using ancient sailing boats, so that brands that wish to minimise their carbon footprint can use their services. We have been delighted to supply Fairtransport over the years with used madeira barrels, which they use to make their Tres Hombres rum (made in the Caribbean and shipped to their base in Holland on their sailing ships).

Used madeira barrels for Fairtransport

Along with many other businesses, Fairtransport has been suffering because of the Covid-19 restrictions as they have had to abandon all of their trips for 2020, so they really need whatever support they can get. So they are asking for anyone interested in reducing carbon emissions in the transport of goods to head over to their webshop and buy something. There you can find the aforementioned Tres Hombres rum as well as olive oil, wine, chocolate, coffee, honey and more and in a small way you can support their mission to show the world that we all need to think about the carbon footprint of what we buy and produce. If you use the coupon code FT-2020 you will get a 10% discount on your first purchase.

This is one of the actual working ships, transporting cargo for Fairtransport

You can even book some space in the hold if you are looking to transport your goods with a minimum carbon footprint. Truly an amazing project and surely a worthwhile venture to support in their hour of need.

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