We make wooden barrels sized 5 to 500 litres in French, American and European oak. We also can produce in chestnut.
The oak barrels are made in the traditional way of larger barrels with only the skill of the cooper used to make them watertight, but the chestnut barrels generally require a food-safe paraffin coating to ensure there is no possibility of leakage.
All of our wooden barrels are made with galvanized hoops, with a toasted interior and are fully pressure tested. We offer different levels of char from light to alligator and are charring is done using wood fire (whilst many cooperages these days now use gas flames). Ths really reflects the very traditional roots of our cooperage and the respect for the traditional methods of making barrels. There is an enormous amount of skill and pride that goes into producing our barrels and we encourage our clients to come and visit our cooperage to see the quality of our workmanship up close.
Click here to download our oak barrels price list.
We also supply barrels in used oak from, either wine, spirits or fortified wine and our specialty is used port wine barrels, as we are based not far from the Douro river in Northern Portugal where Port wine comes from.
As well as virgin oak barrels we also produce STR casks (Shave, Toast & Rechar), which are refurbished red wine barrels, where the inside of the barrels are shaved off in order to expose semi-fresh wood. These barrels offer both a considerable cost saving compared to virgin oak, as welll as a unique flavour profile.